Whew. Totally get that. Am doing the same spinning in circles here at my moms as we prepare for dinner on Thursday.

And 100% agree on your PS

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It's a whirlwind for sure, but so worth it when it's all said and done. Here's to a hopefully glitch free, or glitch light, holiday preparation!

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My husband always says “You give your children wings to fly, then they do. They just forget to fly home sometimes.”

Hang in there. Bean soup helps. 😉

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Yes to all of this! ❤️

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And while we are discussing eggs to suck…I would like John Robert’s and his Supreme Court to join Merrick Garland as well. 🤬

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Hear, hear!

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LMAO, you put words to paper (errrr computer) and emerged victorious. That counts as a post to me!

As for the daughter, you are to be congratulated and given a warm hug for parenting so well that she found her wings AND is able, like a homing pigeon, to find her way home. Even the wildest and most independent souls need to know they have a place to return to.

I have been visiting with the flock of Canada geese that return year after year to my neck of the woods. I am not so egotistical as to think that they remember me, but am touched that they allow me to come fairly close without hissing or biting. I don't want to detain them and have no desire to follow them around like a starstruck fan, but I'm grateful they feel safe with me and have no objection to being admired.

Sending warm thoughts and a hug your way, dear Margot. Hope your Thanksgiving and visit with the daughter are both full or love and light.

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Harry Chapin was a wise man.

Enjoy your geese and your holiday, my friend!


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