Yes, I have no post.
I also have no excuses.
I am knee deep in my harried attempts to make the holiday magic happen in advance of a visit from our beloved and only daughter. Visits are rare occurrences, as she is the kind of child who went boldly into life and did not, in fact, come back to live at home again.
The most bittersweet thing about being a parent is that your job is preparing your children to be autonomous, self sufficient, compassionate, joy seeking humans.
Mission accomplished. Woot.
Today got away from me while proving to be one of those days where it feels like life is conspiring against you in a frustrating series of minor inconveniences that separately would be minimal, but together have compounded exponentially. As a result I have entered into a full blown ADD overload. This means I am running around in circles and accomplishing little to nothing. Whee.
Expletives have been flung with abandon and without shame.
I have a big pot of black bean soup to make and I still have an absurd array of ditsy little things to accomplish, which will have to wait until tomorrow because the light is fading along with what is left of my patience. Run on sentence for the win!
I reiterate, this is not a post.
I make no promises that any posts this week will be post-ier than this. However, I remain hopeful, and we shall see what transpires.
Onward, Madge a.k.a. Margot
P.S.: Merrick Garland can go suck an egg.
Whew. Totally get that. Am doing the same spinning in circles here at my moms as we prepare for dinner on Thursday.
And 100% agree on your PS
My husband always says “You give your children wings to fly, then they do. They just forget to fly home sometimes.”
Hang in there. Bean soup helps. 😉