Hello, Friend,
Today I’m talking about the very real impact the unreality of Reality TV has had on American society. I think it’s a fascinating and also disturbing thing to contemplate. So much of who we are in this moment has been influenced by our media and social media. So much of what is sticky, what gets traction, what gets eyeballs and attention is negativity. The algorithms love it. People definitely respond to it. We are hard wired for some of this stuff in our primal brains. However, I also believe we’re hard wired for uplifting, hopeful, positive messaging.
Consider this a take on the ways that extended time spent in virtual realities can impact actual reality. We become what we consume, and we consume a lot of toxic garbage. I think it has led us here to this Reality TV Presidency 2.0. I also think it’s time we let our news media know why we’re tuning out of the shit show. Yes, we want to be aware of actual impactful and important news, but every toxic tweet and attention seeking absurdity from these cartoon villains is not news worthy. The news media’s job is not to amplify their bullshit, it’s to dig into that bullshit and find the truth. His one trick has gotten really old, and the fact that our media continues to fall for it and to fail us and our republic in the process is one of the main reasons we’re here in this most precarious moment.
Just some food for thought, as I ponder where we are, how we got here, and what I believe we can do moving forward to bring ourselves to a better future.
Cheers, Madge a.k.a. Margot
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