Thank you...this is a great list, already hooked up to some, have called and written congress, senate and state rep a few times. Trying really hard to educate the kool-aid drinkers....but not having a lot of luck there. But I will keep at it. Love e you girlfriend ❤️

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So proud of you, my friend! 😘

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Thank you for this valuable list and for your encouragement!!!!! 💙💙💙💙

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Happy to do what I can! 😘

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Your energy is exactly what I need right now. Love it! And I love this list - SO helpful. Sharing now. 😁✊💙🌈

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Thank you so much for your kind words! So happy to hear it resonated.

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Thanks for the list. I already follow some of these people. I felt a little overwhelmed by the amount of suggestions, but then decided I can check out one suggestion a day.

The best way to eat the elephant.

May I also add one person to your good for a laugh category. Check out Trade Crowder if you still click on Instagram now, and then.

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I was wrong. I follow Trae on tiktok, not Instagram. I don' t use Instagram.

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I have no access to any Meta platforms, unfortunately. I do follow Trae on BlueSky though! He’s great!

And yes, little bites are best. 🙂

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