I second your emotion.

“Some might call that … the DMV” cracked me up and you did well with the created words.

Limbo is also a state of pause to ponder the unknown- the not knowing, fearing the worst and hoping for strength and creativity to slay any dragons we encounter.

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Oh! I like that! Thank you.

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Our generation (kids of the 60s and 70s) had the best music!!! 😉

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Gotta love a music reference! 🙂

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YES! You nailed it. 👏👏👏

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You are loved beyond what words can express. This essay both resonates with me and brings tears to my eyes.

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I love you, Mom! ❤️

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For some reason, every time I saw 'new year' in this essay, my mind read 'January 20th'. Go figure, eh?

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Blerk. Exactly.

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First, so sorry about your dog friend. Hope the surgery was a success and more comfortable times are ahead filled with wagging tails and wet nose kisses.

As for “trepidahopetenaciresolve“ I can relate. However it’s a mouthful and I much prefer “blerk.”

Blerk off off empty nests

Blerk off empty New Year’s resolutions

Blerk off taxes

Blerk off alone-ier (another good one) and BLERK all in caps to the rough beast (it’s hour come round at last unless we can find a way to plug the hole) slouching towards Bethlehem to be born.

Sorry to end on that rather dire note. Your posts always make me smile and never Blerk ;-)

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Charlie is improving, and hopefully he’ll be back to his sprampy self sooner than later!

A mouthful for sure, I will find the right word. For now, blerk works!

It’s hard to stay on the sunny side at this moment. Happy comments from stalwart friends help!

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