Hello, Friend,
Happy FRIYAY! Woot.
I just found out that there’s an Allegory Gallery design challenge inspired by my art…today. Egads! I feel like I’ve been caught naked in a snowstorm! I’m so sorry! Due to my exodus from Meta Platforms (about which I am still teetering on the Instagram front if I’m being honest…but I digress and we can discuss that at a later date) my art is no longer lingering en masse on the internets.
I started painting a couple of years ago and painted every single day until this election sent me into a tailspin and my muse packed her bags and took off for parts unknown. The writing muse finally returned, thankfully, but the art muse is still MIA. In the interim, I have a lot of art piling up in the art closet and folks need some inspiration…so here are some of my favorite paintings. I’ll be working towards offering them for purchase again as originals and some as prints or products. I’m just lacking extra hours and hands at the moment.
If you’re not into the art, carry on and fret not, I’ll be back with videos and writings next week. I am a woman of many facets and moods and shades of pink lipstick.
If you’re seeking inspo, I tried to gather an array of color and thematic stories, as you can see below. Click on any image for a full size version!
From Top Left to Right:
Stargazer, Eduardo Couldn’t Help it if He Was a Little Bit Stinky, Fever Dream, Petal Parade, I’m Sorry, Barnaby and Pasquale Get New Hats, Good Day Sunshine, Leopard in the Garden, Gwendolyn Brought Her Own Snacks to the Wedding
From Top Left to Right
Woot, Love Language, Thistle Do, Meh, Daydreamer, Calypso, Sebastian Fox, Hello Sunshine, Catticus
And that’s all she painted…well not really because she has painted a ginormous stack of art…but that’s all she painted for today. Hopefully it inspires! If it does, PLEASE let me know in the comments as I am not on META anymore so I won’t see it!
Big love to Andrew and William of Allegory Gallery!
I've been trying to find your art! Thought I was going crazy, now I know I just need to be patient & wait for the bugs to be worked out!!
I love your art and if I was not on a fixed income I would love one of your pieces. I will have to look when you offer them for sale again.