Dear Dr. GOP:
Hello, it's me. Margot. Madge. Mother of Chaos.
I am a citizen of this great nation. I am an entrepreneur. I am a tax payer. I am a voter.
I am one of tens of millions of people who have had enough. We are not backing down and we are not going away. The more you poke us, the more we will rise up and be joined by millions more.
We, the people, don't like our tax dollars being funneled into the pockets of grifters and kleptocrats. We don’t show fealty to kings and their courts and fawning aristocrats. We're funny like that. This whole imperfect experiment in which we live arose in defiant opposition to the unreasonable demands of a Mad King and we will be damned if we let another Mad King destroy it.
We find it fascinating that the party that drones on about the evils of big government can't seem to keep themselves out of women's uteruses, gay people's bedrooms, and transgender people's bathroom stalls. You spend billions on jails, walls, wars, tax breaks for the top 1%, mass deportations, kickbacks, favors, and the Trump Family Circus while decrying the deficits you created, cozying up to Big Oil and Big Pharma and Big Tech, kowtowing to your corporate overlords, defunding social services, privatizing education, and getting a boner for Ayn Rand.
We hold no illusions that politicians on either side of the aisle are free from the influence of lobbyists and big donors. However, one side of the aisle seems intent on rolling back every last inch of the progress people fought and died to gain. One side of the aisle is cheering the techno-coup being enacted by an unelected megalomaniac and his ragtag group of broke mind virus infected teenaged incels. Your Mad King is being occupied with a Diet Coke button, a giant Sharpie, and an endless stream of meaningless decrees while his jeXter runs rampant through the castle.
We, the people, are not having any of it, in case you haven't gotten the memo.
We’re paying attention and your absurd lies, manufactured crises, strong arm tactics, and futile attempts at misdirection are not working.
We’re not sitting down or shutting up or giving up or going away. We’re fully aware of the rampant inconsistencies and flim-flammery in the recent election. We know the truth about January 6th and no amount of gaslighting will change that. We want Don the Con, Elon the Strange, Ka$h the Unqualified, Russell the Architect (of Project 2025), Stevie Three Shirts, Stephen Goebbels Jr., JD Harvard Hillbilly, Mike the Pious, Peter the Lurker (we see you, creep-o) and the rest of the corrosive crew of alt right, Technocratic, and Christian Nationalist nut jobs to be shown the door. (And by the door we mean the door to the jail cells they should be inhabiting.) We want you to fix healthcare, not replace it. We want you to improve public education, not destroy it. We want you to protect our air, water, and soil, not poison them. We want you to strengthen our government, not dismantle it. We want you to spend our hard earned tax dollars improving the day-to-day lives of the American People. We want you to stop working for the oligarchs and get to work for us. We want you to stand up and speak out when hateful, racist, fascist agendas are given credence by this White House.
We want you out of our bedrooms, our private parts, our digital communications, and our freedoms.
Your Snake Oil Salesman president is an international embarrassment. Your stolen seats on the not so Supreme Anymore Court are a travesty. Your fawning support of this neo-fascist agenda is unfathomable. You may be able hold your noses, but we can't. The stench is far too odiferous to ignore. We see what you're doing to our rights and our coffers and our republic while the #worstcircusever tries to deflect our attention. Cut it the fuck out.
We will resist, persist, and insist. We will be the sharp pebble in your shoe that you cannot remove. We will remain ungovernable. Never, ever underestimate the power of the people, especially people as independent and tenacious as the people of this country.
You must realize that you will become irrelevant if they create a monarchy. Do you honestly think they’ll keep you around simply because you were the useful idiots who gleefully participated in their coup? There will be no more GOP when the Dark Enlightenment unfolds. No one will primary you, there will be no primaries, and you will just be idiots who are no longer useful. And we all know what happens to them.
Dr. GOP, your monster is unleashed. It does not bode well for any of us.
If you don’t and we manage to make it out of this, it will not bode well for any of you. Accessories to a crime are, in fact, criminals.
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It takes copious amounts of moxie, chutzpah, and caffeine to fuel this lady party, consider buying the hostess a cup of coffee!
Read and use it to empower you to contact your representatives and call them to task. There is absolutely NO excuse for what is happening in the USA right now. It is criminal and certainly NOT the will of the people. Shame on the Orange Pustule, the Muskrat, all those behind Project 2025, and every individual and corporate entity supporting them.
My hope is that someday Cheeto & Co will be brought before The International Criminal Court on charges of crimes against humanity.
May we all live long enough to be witness to it.